Arenar offers hassle-free returns. If you are not satisfied with our product, let us know within 14 days, as from the date of delivery. The date of delivery is considered the date that our delivery service has recorded delivering your Arenar Product as per delivery tracking, not any other date. Return shipping costs are to be paid by the customer. Please note that you must use a shipping service that covers customs and import charges at destination. T&Cs apply.

Terms of Return: 
  1. Shipping and handling charges, plus taxes such as customs and VAT are not refundable. Only the full price of your purchased products is refundable under the 14-Day Money Back Guarantee.
  2. Arenar reserves the right to inspect and triage returned items prior to issuing replacements or refunds. This is to verify that;
  • A correct and valid tracking number has been received by the Arenar team,
  • The items have been received by the Arenar team in the correct time frame, and
  • The Arenar team has confirmed that all items and packaging have been correctly provided and are in good and acceptable condition.

Refund Processing Time:
After the return has been processed successfully, it can take up to 14 days for the refund to be reflected in your account statement. If you don’t see a refund after 14 days, please get in touch with us again.

If you have any questions, complaints or claims please contact us onAddress: Kerkenbos 1037, 6546 BB, Nijmegen, NetherlandsE-Mail Address: or via the contact form on this website