Lucid Dreaming
with iBand+

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What is a lucid dream?

Your guide to lucid dreaming

Explore your subconscious

A lucid dream is any dream in which you become aware that you are dreaming without waking up. This self-awareness in dreams is the key to lucid dreaming, and iBand+ is your perfect guide to achieve it!

Induce Lucid Dreams

Induce Lucid Dreams

Reshape Your Dreams

Reshape Your Dreams

Brainwave Entrainment

Brainwave entrainment is an excellent way train your brain to naturally synchronize brainwaves with a steady rhythmic external stimulus like light and sound.

iBand+ sleep meditation with brainwave entrainment conditions your brain to associate these rhythmic audio-visual stimuli with your dreams

Brainwave Entrainment​

Brainwave Entrainment

Brainwave entrainment is an excellent way train your brain to naturally synchronize brainwaves with a steady rhythmic external stimulus like light and sound.

iBand+ sleep meditation with brainwave entrainment conditions your brain to associate these rhythmic audio-visual stimuli with your dreams

Sleep Meditation

An excellent form of mind training!

5 to 10 minutes of iBand+ sleep meditation technique before going to sleep is best way to train your brain for lucid dreaming.



Soothing music will calm your mind, reduce stress, and quiet your external senses thus increasing clarity. Visualize your recent dream or think about what you want to dream. This increases the chances of self-awareness.


Dream Sign

Try to remember and consciously associate the pulsing sound and flickering light with your recent dream or visualization. These stimuli get implanted into your subconscious mind as the “Dream Sign”


Reality Check

After about a minute or two, when you see or hear the “dream-sign”, do a reality check by asking yourself “Is this a dream?”, by either holding your breathe or trying to push your finger into your opposite palm.


Lucid Dreaming

Once asleep, iBand+ accurately senses your dream phase and plays the “Dream Sign” that appear as anomaly in your dream. Repeat this every night until one day you realize you are in a lucid dream!