6 Natural Remedies That will DEFINITELY Improve Your Sleeping Habits

8 Natural Remedies That will DEFINITELY Improve Your Sleeping Habits-01

It is a well established, scientific fact that ‘a good night’s sleep’ is essential to lead a well-balanced lifestyle. A disruptive sleeping schedule is one of the leading causes of various physiological as well as psychological disorders. That is why this article outlines 6 very effective natural remedies that will improve sleep habits.

The new millennium has seen a steady rise in cases of sleep disorders like insomnia, which is one of the primary causes of cardiovascular diseases. According to the research conducted by the CDC, about one-third of American adults receive less than 6-8 hours of sleep on a regular basis. The adult human body is equipped in such a manner, that it requires a minimum of 7 hours of sleep to function as it is meant to be! 

A well maintained ‘sleep hygiene’ is the key that leads to simply put – sleeping better. 

So, what is sleep hygiene and why is it so important? 

According to an explanation put forth by the Sleep Foundation , sleep hygiene can be viewed as, ‘strong sleep hygiene means having both a bedroom environment and daily routines that promote consistent, uninterrupted sleep. Keeping a stable sleep schedule, making your bedroom comfortable and free of disruptions, following a relaxing pre-bed routine, and building healthy habits during the day can all contribute to ideal sleep hygiene’ A healthy sleeping pattern has time and again proven to be remedial for a longer period with close to zero side effects on one’s physiology. 

Natural remedies like consumption of tea, essential oils, relaxation techniques, regular exercise and of course improving overall sleep hygiene are recommended to overcome insomnia and promote healthy sleeping habits. 


  • Cutting Down The Caffeine


Yup. You read that right, fellow coffee lovers and worshippers. As anything goes, heightened caffeine intake can have severe adverse effects on the quality of sleep. Switch to herbal teas like Chamomile, Hibiscus, Jasmine whenever you feel like ‘oh my god, my body needs a dose of caffeine!’ 


  • Performing Low Impact Exercises Outdoors


Yes, we often hear about this one as a remedy for pretty much ALL anomalies, don’t we? Well, there is a reason for it and the reason being supremely simple – it works. As propagated by Medical News Today – ‘a 2015 trial by the European Sleep Research Society found that 150 minutes of exercise a week significantly improved symptoms of insomnia for participants and reduced depression and anxiety, which have a knock-on effect on sleep’ 

Research also shows that relatively low impact exercises like Yoga/Power Walking/Swimming, if performed outdoors help the body come in contact with natural light, essential to ensure a good sleep-wake cycle. 


  • Practicing Muscle Relaxation Techniques


Move over popping a muscle relaxant for not ‘getting enough sleep’ and try relaxing your muscles with proven techniques on a regular basis, of course. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) helps the whole body relax and induces a feeling of sleepiness. All you need to do is tighten and relax your muscles throughout your body, one muscle at a time. Medical News Today reports that ‘the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends relaxation techniques, including PMR, as effective treatments for chronic insomnia. However, it can take a while to get the hang of the technique. Practicing during the day may help for the first few weeks, before trying it at night’


  • Choosing a magnesium-rich diet 


Our body naturally produces magnesium. Magnesium helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle in a big, big way. Not only does it relaxes muscles but reduces stress. The National Sleep Foundation recommends consuming magnesium heavy food like bananas, warm milk, whole grain cereal an hour before sleeping. 


  • Maintain a not just good, but a great sleep hygiene 


Medical News Today lists down the following dos that have proven to improve and increase the likelihood of great sleep hygiene : 

  • avoiding screens, laptops, cell phones, and TVs at least an hour before bedtime
  • keeping the bedroom dark and quiet with dimmed lights, thick curtains, and blinds or by using earplugs and eye masks
  • using the bedroom only for sleep or sex
  • making sure that mattresses, pillows, and blankets are comfortable
  • avoiding alcohol, nicotine, and caffeinated beverages in the evening
  • having a warm bath or shower about 1.5 hours before bedtime
  • refraining from eating big meals late at night’ 

With our ever-growing technological landscape, now there are certain devices available as well that can help maintain the sleep-wake cycle, thus improving the quality of a good night’s sleep with relevant, collected data. 


  • Lucid Dreaming 


The ideas surrounding lucid dreaming are very few, currently. But with the help of the right techniques and regular supervised practices, lucid dreaming can prove to be a boon. It is important for oneself to not lose control while lucid dreaming, so as to inhibit a relaxed state of mind to help sleep. The goal here is to not master the technique of lucid dreaming, but to improve sleep quality via that! 
